Secret Registry:1. Speed up the start menu:Key: HKEY_CURENT_USER \ Control Panel \ desktop folder.Type of value: value srtringName value : MenuShowDelay
Data value: change the value to 1.
2. Removes shortcut arrowKey 1: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ lnkfileKey 2: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ piffileType value: String valueName value: IsShorcutDelete the value IsShorcut the second key.
3. Set the contiguous File Allocation Size (all versions of Windows) This tweak will improve the performance of applications that you frequently use. Here's how to do it:Open your Windows registry by running regedit from start menu> run. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem. After that add the DWORD value ContigFileAllooSize (by right click and select New> DWORD) and fill with number 200.
4. Free memory of the DLL files (all versions of windows). DLL files are alwaystake place for memory. Even when programs that use the DLL files have you shut down, windows still keep it in memory. To release the memory of these DLL files do the following things:Open your Windows registry by running regedit from start menu> run, then find dabn open key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer. Then add the String AlwaysUnloadDLL and content value 1.