Friday, January 7, 2011

Zip and Rar Files Fix a Corrupt / Damaged

Sometimes we are maniacs download, be it a file zip / rar software and other files, menumakan file we downloaded was corrupted or damaged. It must be annoyed as hell. Big file, long download just really resentful. But we do not have to download again, because there is a chance the file can still be improved. Here I try to explain how to repair the corrupted files.
There are several possibilities we get reports that we file corrupted:1. The file was corrupted from the uploader2. File corrupted during the download process may occur in several parts divided file3. Special files are divided into several parts do not fit we extract the sequence
Solutions to problems above:1.For this case it goes wrong from the uploader (human name would be wrong as well) so just be patient and hope hope - hope the uploader will upload a new file again.2. The second case is what we will consider seriously.
First download a program called QuickSFV can download it here. Once the program is run now checks one by one (to which her part - part), so we can confirm which files are corrupted
The next step we open the file that a suspect had been with the program then winrar1. Open the file. Rar [Winrar] the error2. Tools> Repair Archive">In winrar menu> Tools> Repair Archive3. Rename the file on the repair had been4. Extract again.
Or keep you force also extract the files had been corrupted by1. Right click on the zip file and select Extract files ... on the context menu.2. check settings on the keep broken files3. Click OK.

3. In the third case the solution is that we see the sequence of each part that we download on our IDM (depending on what use accelerator using that) if the download time is also in accordance with the list provided by the uploader. That way we can extract the appropriate sequence.

So and hopefully useful

Alienware M15x Audio Probblems solved

This guide is based on a user which use this guide and worked:

When he tried to turn volume up, the volume will be going to down slowly? If you have same problem, you may have to follow below step instruction to solve the problem:
a. You have to uninstall Alienware Command Center
b. Uninstall OSD Utility
c. You have to reinstall Alienware Command Center and OSD Utility to your alienware notebook. You can get file from here and here
d. If this problem still appear, you may have to schedule check your C drive (Automatically fix error and recover bad sector on your hdd)
e. If the problem still occurs, you may have to shut down your computer, unplug your notebook, take out the battery for 10 or 15 seconds, after 15 seconds, plug your battery and plug AC power and turn on your notebook.

Registry tips and tricks

Secret Registry:1. Speed up the start menu:Key: HKEY_CURENT_USER \ Control Panel \ desktop folder.Type of value: value srtringName value : MenuShowDelay
Data value: change the value to 1.
2. Removes shortcut arrowKey 1: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ lnkfileKey 2: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ piffileType value: String valueName value: IsShorcutDelete the value IsShorcut the second key.
3. Set the contiguous File Allocation Size (all versions of Windows) This tweak will improve the performance of applications that you frequently use. Here's how to do it:Open your Windows registry by running regedit from start menu> run. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem. After that add the DWORD value ContigFileAllooSize (by right click and select New> DWORD) and fill with number 200.
4. Free memory of the DLL files (all versions of windows). DLL files are alwaystake place for memory. Even when programs that use the DLL files have you shut down, windows still keep it in memory. To release the memory of these DLL files do the following things:Open your Windows registry by running regedit from start menu> run, then find dabn open key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer. Then add the String AlwaysUnloadDLL and content value 1.

Fix Bad Sector in HDD

Got a problem bad sectors on your computer hard drive?
If yes, do not sentence you to death before the hard drive before trying out the software tools, Repair HDD Bad Sector on this one. Because the program is under DOS
is able to detect the bad sectors on your hard drive for further improvement.

Because the workings of this program through
DOS mode, you must run it through the boot cd of this software.

Once entered into the initial disp
lay screen of the program, you can select the start-up that you want. As shown in the picture below.

In addition to supporting the drivers on the CD / DVD ROM, the program also supports the FAT32 and NTFS partitions.
Next after selecting the menu Start-Up, will appear below the main menu. From this menu you can start checking on your hard drive.

Below is the process of checking the HDD Bad Sector Repair, if the programs get the part that is corrupt on the disk (bad sectors), then automatically the program will make improvements on the part of bad sectors.

Repair HDD Bad Sector Processing

For the record, the download link Repair HDD Bad Sector in image format (ISO). So after downloading extract the file (rar) first, then you can just burn through the usual offering programs you use. Next do the boot from the CD to run the program.
to link iso repair HDD

How To Remove Virus inveksi Sality

1. Disconnect the computer that will be cleared from the network and the Internet.
2. Turn off System Restore during the cleaning process takes place.To start eliminating inceksi of this virus is lethal for the first antivirus process, he also would seek to block that the user can not access the web from some antivirus follows:

· Cureit · Drweb
· Onlinescan · Spywareinfo · Ewido · VirusScan · Windowsecurity
· Spywareguide · Bitdefender · Panda Software · Agnmitum · Virustotal · Sophos

· Trend Micro · · Symantec · McAfee ° F-Secure ·
· Ka
Not only that W32/Sality.AE also will remove the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ ALG". ALG or Application Layer Gateway Service is a services that provides support for plug-in protocol applications and enabled network connectivity / protocol. This service may be turned off. Impact is a p
rogram like MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger will not work. This service can be run, but only if you use a firewall, either built-in Windows firewall or another firewall. If no computer is infected with this virus will experience a serious security hole.
2. Block access to "safe mode"

In order to "defend" itself, W32/Sality.AE will also try to block access to the mode "safe mode" so that the user can not boot in mode "safe mode" by removing the key is located at the following locations:
· HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ SafeBoot

· HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet002 \ Control \ SafeBoot
· HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SafeBoot

3. Exe file injection / com / scr

The main objective of this virus is trying to inject the installation program and files that have the extension exe / com / scr which is on drive C - Y is mainly the result of the installation files (files that are in the directory C: \ Program Files) and portable files ( file that can be run directly without the need to install it), it will also infect files that have extensions ". exe" which contained the following registry list, allowing the virus can be activated automatically every time the computer boots.

· HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
· HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
· HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Sh
ellNoRoam \ MUICache
Files are managed in the injection will increase in size usually around 68-80 KB of its original size. Programs that have been infected this will continue to be run as normal so the user does not suspect that the file is actually already in infection by W32/Sality.AE. One of sophistication is the ability to inject file Sality ride so bervirus file size is not uniform, clearly more difficult to identify than other viruses that replace the existing file so the file size will be equal.
Please be careful, not all antivirus programs to clean up files that have been infected W32/Sality.AE, might file will be broken after the scan and in the clear by the antivirus.

Not to be outdone by another foreign virus, to facilitate the action he will try to connect to a number of web addresses that have been determined in order to call / download a trojan / virus that the annunciator is a variant of the previous version which allows the virus to update itself.
4. Exploit Default Share and Full Sharing

W32/Sality.AE will spread quickly through the network with memanfaatkkan windows default share folder or share that has full access to ways to infect files that have extensions exe / com / scr. Therefore, Vaksincom advised computer users to disable the default share (C $, D $ .. etc) and avoid Full Sharing your folders on the network.
In addition to spread by using the network, he also will take advantage of the flash disk that is the way the coffee itself with a random file name with the extension exe / cmd / PIF and create a autorun.inf file for themselves can be activated automatically without having to run an infected file, other than that it will also in
fect files that have the extension exe / com / scr contained in the flash disk.

How to clean W32/Sality.AE

1. Disconnect the computer that will be cleared from the network and the Internet
2. Turn off System Restore during the cleaning process takes place.
3. Turn off the Autorun and Default Share. Please download the file and run the following ways:
o Right click repair.inf
o Click Install
sality kill
4. Turn off the active application program in memory so that the cleaning process faster, especially programs that exist in the startup list.
5. We recommend that you scan by using the removal tools with the first extension of the removal tools with an extension other [for example: CMD] in order not to re-infection by W32/Sality.AE. In the example below, the file name "Norman_Malware_Cleaner.exe" in rename it to "Norman_Malware_Cleaner.cmd" so not on Sality infection.
· Order for removal was not infected by W32/Sality.AE, should change the extension of the removal tools into other extensions [for example: CMD] (see figure 4 above)
· Sality.AE will try to infect files that have EXE and SCR extensions and COM, the file that has been repeatedly in the infection by this virus sometimes will be damaged if cleaned by antivirus programs, so if there are programs that the error after the scan by antivirus should reinstall the program.
Please backup your important data before cleaning the virus. PT. Vaksincom not responsible for any losses caused by this virus cleaning process either directly or indirectly!
6. In order for a computer that is infected W32/Sality.AE to boot "safe mode", please restore the registry has been changed by the virus.
Please download the following files and then run the OS that is infected W32/Sality.AE.
sality kill file 2
7. Another registry fix in change by the virus, please download the following tools and then run the file in the following manner:
o Right click repair.inf
o Click Install
sality kill 3
8. Restart the computer and re-scan using removal tools to ensure your computer has been clean from viruses.
9. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection should install and scan with the antivirus can detect Sality well.
can also use the latest Norman Malware Cleaner to detect and eradicate the virus Sality. Download here .. NMC

Monday, January 3, 2011

New browser Opera 10.60

Some time ago, Opera released beta version of Opera browser is a series of 10.60, which is now more than 50% faster than previous series. In addition to increased speed, Opera added 10.60 Beta features the latest Web standards, such as Geolocation and WebM already HTML5, Video support, and ease of use features. 10.60 Opera is available for all platforms, and you can download at Creating the fastest browser is not restricted to being the best, Opera also optimize to deliver some extra features in all things, from opening new tabs, loading pages faster, speed dial, and also the stable manager tab.

50 percent faster :

Do not let the browser blocking performance. The latest version of Opera is faster than some previous versions, especially on some excellent features.

Let the browser find it for you. Geolocation can give very accurate results of what you're looking for.

Watch the video becomes faster and easier. Opera is now equipped with WebM, open video format and better quality, where this feature is integrated directly in the browser, so you can enjoy the video with a view that is more stable.

Appcache HTML5 and Web Workers: appcache features several different applications you can use, such as Word processor, image editor, spreadsheet, and several other applications.

Office 2010 Starter - [ the Low Down ]

Mary Jo Foley over at ZDNet is pleading with readers to do their homework before jumping on the Office 2010 Starter bandwagon, and with good reason.
Microsoft’s Office 2010 productivity software goes on sale tomorrow and while it’s true that the ad-supported Starter edition will be free, you might be getting less than you bargained for.
It’s hard to argue with free, but it’s worth noting that Microsoft gutted the Starter edition to only include basic document viewing and editing of Word and Excel. The goal is not to give Office away, but to entice users to upgrade, which some point out sounds a lot like trialware.
“Incorrect messaging of Office Starter 2010 may discourage your customers from purchasing a full Office suite and could also lead to customer dissatisfaction and confusion,” Microsoft wrote in a note to its OEM partners. “Market research shows that many people confused Office Starter 2010 with a full Office suite, and were then dissatisfied because they believed they had received a full Office suite.”
In other words, be weary of OEM system builders advertising Office Starter 2010 — a practice Microsoft is discouraging — and know exactly what it is you’re getting (or not getting).