Check the Power Supply, try using another power supply if still restarts itself or hangs. If after replacement power supply turns normal / good, power supply means there is a problem. Change can bebe improved if only because I myself was not sure whether still can function properly ,because the power supply is a vital component . Especially for the current price very cheap power supply, I suggest you replace it. Check to see if there is virus, anti-virus program should always be installed and enable the auto protect her. I used to use Anti-virus eset smart security. You should frequently update your antivirus because if there is a new variant virus, your anti-virus will detect at once eliminate the virus.
At the moment there hangs and blue screen messages like "vxd error at address ...", there is usually a problem in memory. Clean the memory is like a step above. Try to reinstall Windows. If it still hangs / restarts itself let you check on the motherboard, you notice the physical changes in particular components Elko / capacitor, a black round shape no writing its capacity between 1000 uf/10Volt s / d 3300 uf/10 volts, usually seen, if the damage visible bloating / swelling and remove fluid or rust.